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OneService Kakis Network


Established in 2021, the OneService Kakis (OSKs) Network serves as a platform for MSO to sustain and deepen our relationship with our community stakeholders in a strategic and systematic way. The objective is to grow an informed and active network by providing resources and opportunities for citizens to co-create and implement ideas that addresses municipal issues in their neighbourhoods.

Involvement of OSKs

The OSKs contribute to MSO’s work in a variety of ways. As MSO’s stakeholders, they help to raise awareness of municipal issues within their community and the work of MSO and partner agencies. OSKs also participate in initiatives organised by MSO to improve the living environment.

OSKs, who wish to contribute more, can organise and lead their own ground-up projects to address municipal issues in their neighbourhoods. OSKs with specific expertise and experience are also invited to support MSO’s activities as resource persons or mentors.  

Activities with OSKs

There are different types of activities organised by MSO that OSKs can participate in.

MSO organises several co-creation initiatives such as the Love Our ‘Hood Initiative and Youth Challenge. These initiatives seek to co-create community-based solutions to manage municipal issues and foster neighbourliness on the ground. MSO supports the implementation of the solutions through our Love Our ‘Hood Fund.

MSO also organises chat sessions and focus group discussions with OSKs to hear suggestions on programmes that OSKs would like to be involved in, and how MSO can partner OSKs to do more for the community.

OSKs discussing on the role of the community at the OSK Chat Session in 2023.

There are also informal networking sessions where OSKs can get to know each other better, and strengthen our social connections within the OSK network.

Painting of wall murals at the Noise Experiential Lab in 2023 with OSKs.

MSO recognises the contributions of active OSKs through our OSK Appreciation Event. Some of the projects led by OSKs won the Municipal Services Awards (Community Category).

OSKs at the Appreciation Event 2023.

Join us today!

OSKs are informed of these activities through e-newsletters, EDMs or via updates on our OneService Community’s social media pages.

If you would like to join the OSK Network and receive updates on the latest happenings, we invite you to sign up via