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OneService Game Changers Challenge (OGCC) 2024

 To commemorate MSO’s 10th anniversary in 2024, MSO is co-organising the OneService Game Changers Challenge (OGCC) 2024 with Temasek Polytechnic (TP) to invite the community to conceptualise and design games to help raise residents’ awareness of considerate behaviours for a better living environment in Singapore.

 The objectives of OGCC 2024 are:

  1. To design and develop games to engage and encourage residents to adopt considerate behaviours to improve their neighbourhoods; and
  2. To make use of games to reach out to residents and raise their awareness of municipal issues in their neighbourhoods and how to tackle them.

The Challenge: Every year, public agencies and town councils receive a high volume of feedback on municipal issues from residents and members of the public. While some of these issues can be resolved by the relevant public agency or town council, there is potential for residents and the community to play their part, take the lead, and be responsible to upkeep their neighbourhood and improve their living environment.

Solution: How might you develop fun and engaging physical* games that raise residents’ and the community’s awareness and adoption of considerate behaviours to address municipal issues and improve their living environment?


*Note: By “physical”, we refer to non-digital games which involve more than one player and are compactible/portable.



 A total of 20 teams (18 groups and 2 individuals) participated in the 2-day Gamification Hackathon held at TP’s premises on 15 and 16 June 2024.


Day 1 of Gamification Hackathon (15 June 2024)

 Day 1 was filled with excitement as teams could not wait to start creating their games. The teams’ main goals for the day are to identify the municipal theme(s) and considerate behaviours that their game would be on, as well as to ascertain their game concept. As and when they were ready, they could approach the co-organisers to seek consultation on their game concept. Once they have decided on their game concept, teams can start creating their low-fidelity prototype using cardboards, papers, tapes, markers, etc.



Day 2 of Gamification Hackathon (16 June)

 Despite the previous day’s long hours, the teams came back bright and early for Day 2 full of passion and determination! The atmosphere was intense as teams rushed to complete their low-fidelity prototype, make final tweaks and prepare their presentation for the judges


Top 5 Shortlisted Teams

      The competition was very stiff as the teams delivered compelling presentations to the judges. The judges faced the difficult challenge of deciding which 5 teams should progess to Stage 2 of OGCC 2024. After much deliberation, the judges decided to shortlist the following teams (not in order of merit)



Thank You to TP

 MSO is grateful to TP for supporting MSO in planning and organising the OGCC 2024. A big thank you to the TP staff and student facilitators from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences’ Centre for Applied Behavioural Sciences (CABS) and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Department (I&ED), as your tireless efforts have made it possible for the Gamification Hackathon to proceed smoothly!




 Over the months of July and August 2024, the 5 shortlisted teams will further refine their game concepts and level up their game prototypes through the use of 3D printers, wood working station, laser cutting station, metal working station, tailor & embroidery station, etc at TP’s Makerspace+ facilities. They will then present their high-fidelity prototypes to the judges on 31 August (70% weightage) and will post about their games on MSO’s social media accounts for online voting (30% weightage).

 Follow MSO at @OneService Community (Facebook), @OneServiceSG (Instagram) or @oneservicesg (TikTok) to be among the first to be notified of when the online voting starts. Do not miss out the chance to vote for your favourite games!