1. Agreement to Terms of Use
1.1 These Terms of Use (“Terms”) govern your access to and use of services and transactions in the OneService mobile application (the “OS App”), the OneService features on LifeSG (the “OS on LifeSG”), the website located at www.oneservice.gov.sg (the "OS Portal"), the QR code-enabled reporting tool (the “OS Lite”) and the reporting channel on social messaging platforms (the “OS Chatbot”) (hereinafter, collectively referred to as “OneService digital products”).
1.2 OneService digital products are owned and operated by the Government of Singapore.
1.3 Our OneService digital products are provided to you by the Municipal Services Office (“MSO”). MSO’s office is located at 5 Maxwell Road #14-00 Tower Block MND Complex, Singapore 069110.
1.4 By registering, accessing, and using any part of OneService, you agree and accept to be bound by these Terms and any amendments made thereto from time to time. The Terms form a binding agreement between you and us, and govern your use of our OneService digital products and the services offered therein. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms, please do not use our OneService digital products and exit; continue only if you accept these Terms.
1.5 In these Terms, the words "we", "our" and "us" refer to the Government of Singapore.
2. General
2.1 We may at any time and without notice, modify these terms on your use of OneService. Such modified Terms shall be effective immediately and your continued use of our OneService digital products (including any application or services linked to or from OneService) after such modified Terms have been posted shall constitute your agreement to be bound by the modified Terms. It is your responsibility to check and keep yourself informed of the prevailing Terms whenever you access or use any part of OneService.
2.2 We may modify any information or features to our OneService digital products at any time, without notice to you, and without liability.
3. Licence Terms and Restrictions
3.1 The services, and content including the materials made available on or through our OneService digital products are owned by, licensed to, managed or controlled by MSO.
3.2 Subject to these Terms, we grant to you a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to access and use our OneService digital products for personal or non-commercial use only. You shall not, among others, modify, reverse-engineer, decompile, adapt, publish, redistribute or sub-license our OneService digital products or any part of our OneService digital products without our prior written consent.
3.3 MSO reserves the right to:
3.3.1 Deny or restrict access to or use of our OneService digital products by any particular person without providing any reasons.
3.3.2 Modify any information or features on our OneService digital products at any time, without notice to you, and without liability.
3.3.3 Discontinue our OneService digital products at any time without notice or liability to us whatsoever, whereupon all rights granted to you hereunder shall also terminate forthwith. You shall further upon notice from MSO return or destroy all copies of our OneService digital products or materials therein that you may have downloaded.
3.4 You agree that you will not interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of our OneService digital products or otherwise do anything that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our OneService digital products servers.
4. Third Party Materials
4.1 Our OneService digital products may require, enable or facilitate access to or use of software or services of a third party (“Third Party”). In such an event, there will be terms of use of the third party software or service (the “Third Party Terms”) that will bind either our OneService digital products or you or both. An example of such Third Party Terms would be open source software terms or standard form terms of the distribution platform from which you obtain any part of the our OneService digital products (e.g. Google Play Store or Apple App Store terms) which bind MSO as a developer or user of the distribution platform (the “Distribution Terms”). For the avoidance of doubt, as this Clause 4 relates to the Distribution Terms, the relevant Distribution Terms are the terms of the specific platform from which you obtained a copy of the software or application that is part of our OneService digital products. For example, if you obtained the said copy from the Google Play Store, then the relevant terms are Google’s Distribution Terms.
4.2 Our OneService (OS) App has among others two modular features – “Find Parking” (beta) and “Start Parking” which makes use of third party products and services operated by Quantum Inventions (“QI”) and Parking.sg (Refer to Schedule A) respectively. You are deemed to have read and agree to be bound by all the obligations in the Third Party Terms which are applicable to you as the end user.
4.3 If the Third Party Terms require you to enter into an agreement directly with the Third Party, then you agree to enter into such agreement, and in any event, to be bound by the Third Party Terms.
4.4 You agree to indemnify and keep us harmless against all claims, actions, liabilities, losses, damages, costs or expenses (including legal costs on an indemnity basis) howsoever arising out of or in connection with your access or use of the aforesaid third party software or services or your non-compliance with the Third Party Terms.
4.5 For the avoidance of doubt, without prejudice to Clause 4.4, to the extent of any inconsistency between these Terms of Use and the Third Party Terms, the latter shall prevail provided that nothing in the Third Party Terms shall limit the generality of your indemnity obligations in Clause 4.4.
5. Intellectual Property Rights
5.1 The contents of our OneService digital products including but not limited to its source codes, pages, documents, editorial content, online graphics, user interface, and audio and video clips are owned by or licensed to us, and are protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws including but not limited to copyright and trademark. Except as expressly provided in these Terms, you shall not modify, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or otherwise distributed in any form or by any means, the contents of our OneService digital products without our prior written permission.
5.2 Any unauthorised modification, reproduction, publication, uploading, posting, transmission or distribution of the contents of our OneService digital products is strictly prohibited and may constitute an infringement of our intellectual property rights.
6. Privacy Policy
6.1 Please refer to the Privacy Statement.
7. Access To OneService
7.1 The accessibility and operation of our OneService digital products relies on technologies outside our control. We do not guarantee continuous accessibility or uninterrupted operation of the applications and services linked to or from OneService. We may also schedule downtime for our OneService digital products from time to time for maintenance and/or optimisation purposes.
8. Relying On Information
8.1 Any content displayed on our OneService digital products is for the purposes of providing you with information only and may not cover all information available on a particular issue. Such content must not be relied upon as professional advice. While every effort has been made to ensure that our OneService digital products and the contents therein are consistent with existing law and practice, you must do your own checks and seek your own professional advice relevant to your particular circumstances.
9. “Find Parking” and “Start Parking” features
9.1 MSO does not provide, own or operate the car parks. The selected public car parks which are offered in our OS App are owned and operated by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (“URA”) or the Housing and Development Board (“HDB”), as the case may be. When making the electronic payment for parking through the “Start Parking” function in the OS App, you are making payment directly to URA or HDB and this is processed directly through Parking.sg.
9.2 HDB, URA, and MSO are not responsible for any loss or damage, howsoever caused, to any vehicle or the fittings or contents of any vehicle parked in any car park or any part of a road under URA’s or HDB’s management.
9.3 MSO is not responsible for the fulfilment and quality of the car park services.
9.4 Without prejudice to the generality of Clause 12, and subject further to Clause 9.5, if we are found to be liable for loss that has been caused to you, you agree that MSO’s aggregate liability to you for any and all causes of action in relation to OneService digital products shall not exceed the sum of any fine or penalty you actually pay as a result of any written law (including the Parking Places Act) in respect of any omission to pay any parking charges due solely to defects in OneService. The remedy granted under this term shall be your sole and exclusive remedy in respect of any form of liability MSO owes you arising out of or in connection with the Service, whether the liability is foreseeable or not.
9.5 You shall at all times use OneService digital products in accordance with our instructions and provided that in the event that you receive any summons or notice for any parking offence from the relevant authorities a result of any defects in OneService, you shall notify us in writing immediately and cooperate in all ways in accordance with the directions of MSO.
10. Security
10.1 Where appropriate, we will use available technology to protect the security of communications made through our OneService digital products. However, we expressly disclaim all liability for the security, authenticity, integrity or confidentiality of any transactions and other communications made through OneService. Despite our best efforts, internet communications may be interfered with or intercepted by third parties. Further, we do not warrant that our OneService digital products is or will be free of infection by computer viruses or any other unauthorised software, and we will accept no liability in connection with any loss you may suffer due to such computer viruses or unauthorised software.
10.2 You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your passwords, information, software, and equipment, and for all activities that occur on or through our OneService digital products and your OneService account. This includes clearing your Internet browser or mobile device’s cookies and cache before and after accessing or using any services on our OneService digital products.
10.3 All electronic transactions are processed directly with our payment processing provider that is obligated to meet the the Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance standards listed on the PCI Council’s website (https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/).
11. Hyperlinks
11.1 We are not responsible or liable for the availability or content of any other Internet website, application or service (not provided by us) that is linked to or from our OneService digital products. You access such other Internet websites, applications or services solely at your own risk and if you create a link or frame to our OneService digital products, you do so solely at your own risk.
11.2 We may object to and/or disable any link or frame to or from our OneService digital products. If we object to the creation of any link or frame to or from our OneService digital products, you will remove such link or frame within seven (7) days of your receipt of written notice from us.
11.3 We may change the URL of the OS Portal at any time and without any prior notice to you.
12. General Disclaimer and Limitation Of Liability
12.1 Our OneService digital products is provided on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. While every care has been taken by us in the provision of OneService, in no event shall we be liable for any loss or damage:
12.1.1 that you may incur in connection with using or visiting any application or service linked to or from our OneService digital products or relying on any statements, opinion, representation or information in OneService;
12.1.2 resulting from any delay in operation or transmission, telecommunications failure, Internet access difficulties or malfunctions in equipment or software, regardless of how the aforementioned events occur; or
12.1.3 arising or resulting from the conduct or the views of any person who accesses or uses our OneService digital products or any application or service linked to or from OneService.
12.2 To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not warrant and hereby disclaim any warranty:
12.2.1 as to the accuracy, correctness, adequacy, fullness, reliability, timeliness, non-infringement, title, merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose of the contents of OneService;
12.2.2 that our OneService digital products and the contents therein or any functions in connection therewith will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects will be corrected or that our OneService digital products and its server is and will be free of all viruses or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, agent, program or macros and/or other harmful elements; or
12.2.3 as to the appropriateness of content (such as comments and pictures) posted by other users.
12.3 We shall also not be liable for and you agree that you shall have no claim in connection with any damage or loss of any kind caused to you as a result (whether direct or indirect) of access to or use of our OneService digital products or non-access thereof, including but not limited to any damage or loss you suffer as a result of reliance on the contents of OneService.
12.4 You agree that any physical activity that you perform in connection with your usage of our OneService digital products carries certain inherent risks, including risks of property damage, bodily injury (to yourself and to third parties) or even death. You acknowledge these inherent risks (whether known or unknown) and hereby release the Government, and all parties involved in the creation and maintenance of our OneService digital products from any and all liability connected with physical activities that you perform in connection with your usage of OneService.
13. Applicable Laws
13.1 The use of our OneService digital products and these Terms are governed by the laws of Singapore. You hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore in the determination of any dispute arising in connection with our OneService digital products or the interpretation and construction of these Terms.
14. Indemnity
14.1 You agree and understand that you are responsible for any damage suffered by any person, corporation or entity as the result of any remarks, information, feedback or other content submitted by you or made available by you on OneService. We will not be responsible for damage of any kind arising out of or in connection to any remarks, information, feedback or other content submitted by you or made available by you on OneService. You further agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any demands, loss, liability, claims or expenses (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) made against us by any third party due to or arising out of or in connection with your use of OneService.
15. Notice & Take Down Policy
15.1 In making materials available on OneService, we act in good faith. However, despite taking all reasonable precautions, we recognise that from time to time material published on our OneService digital products may include content that you find objectionable. If you have any concerns regarding any material available on OneService, please contact us in writing at mso_appenquiry@mnd.gov.sg and provide us with the following information:
• Your full name and contact details;
• The particular material that you find objectionable; and
• A detailed explanation of why you find the particular material objectionable.
15.2 Upon receipt of your written notice submitted in accordance with Clause 15.1, we will take whatever action which we, in our sole and absolute discretion, deem appropriate, including removal of the aforementioned material from OneService.
16. Severability
16.1 In the event any provision of these Terms shall be determined to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other provisions of these Terms, which shall remain in full force and effect. If any provision of these Terms is found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, but would be valid or enforceable if some part of the provision were deleted, the provision in question shall apply with such modifications as may be necessary to make it valid and enforceable.
17. Entire and Whole Agreement
17.1 These Terms contain the entire and whole agreement between you and us and supersedes all prior written or oral commitments, representations, arrangements, understandings or agreements between you and us.
1. Name of Service: Parking.sg
2. Nature of Service:
a. This Service facilitates the payment of parking charges at selected public car parks in Singapore.
b. Government Technology Agency (“GovTech”) and MSO DO NOT provide, own or operate the car parks. The selected public car parks are owned and operated by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (“URA”) or the Housing and Development Board (“HDB”), as the case may be. When making electronic payments through this Service, you are making electronic payments directly to URA or HDB.
c. GovTech, MSO, URA and HDB are NOT responsible for any loss or damage, howsoever caused, to any vehicle or the fittings or contents of any vehicle parked in any car park or any part of a road under URA’s or HDB’s management.
d. GovTech and MSO are NOT responsible for the fulfilment and quality of the car park services themselves.
e. You may direct queries or feedback to feedback@parking.sg
3. Third party software/services:
a. Google’s Distribution Terms - https://play.google.com/about/developer-distribution-agreement.html
b. Google’s privacy policy - https://www.google.com/policies/privacy
c. Apple’s Distribution Terms - https://developer.apple.com/programs/terms/apple_developer_agreement.pdf
d. Stripe Core Services - https://stripe.com/sg/legal